You will be pleased to know that we are almost to the end of our bamboo saga. What will I have to talk about then...... :-) Yesterday, I cleared away the last of our bamboo mulch. The gardens are all done, even the vegi garden and the bamboo garden. Two gardens that I have never mulched before. Also four special trees around the yard. (I think they feel special as they now are mulched another first) Here are some photos to show you what things look like now.
Just a reminder photo first....the pile of mulched up bamboo.
Our Bamboo garden just after we had finished chopping all the dead branches down.
The bamboo mulch pile as I finished off yesterday morning.
Another view of the mulch yesterday morning.
The amazing view yesterday evening when I had scraped the last shovel full of bamboo mulch.
The bamboo garden as it looks today.
The opposite side of bamboo garden.
The back view of bamboo garden. Best thing is I rediscovered the stepping stones that my kids and my Dad made all the way back in 2004. Great memories.
Just showing off the other mulched gardens. All of which are looking wonderful at the moment due to the rain. We are in the wet season.....high temps, high humidity and high rainfall. Although, today seems perfect at present sitting the house with a temp of 25C.
Garden nearest the mulch pile.
Another front garden.
So now we will work on removing more of the bamboo clump that remains. That will be a 'slowly does it' project. Since the bamboo had died most of those stems remaining pull out with very little effort. So it is just a matter of time.
Thanks so much for listening to our bamboo dramas.
Have a wonderful day whatever you have planned.